Search request online

Before you start with the electronic submission, you should first prepare the following documents in electronic form (maximum 5 MB each in pdf, jpeg, doc, docx or png format):

Mandatory documents:

  • Valid official document bearing photograph (i.e. passport, identity card) of the entitled person

  • Power of attorney, if a representative is appointed

  • Proof of payment in the amount of CHF 100 (payment instructions see below)

If a presumed bank customer has passed away, we require official documents as proof of the claimant’s entitlement:

  • Death certificate and/or

  • Certificate of inheritance or equivalent document

If no inheritance documents can be presented, at least the family relationship to the presumed bank customer must be documented, e.g. by means of:

  • Birth-certificate and

  • Certificate of marriage

Please note

Documents must be submitted in German, French, Italian or English.
Documents in other languages shall be accompanied by a translation into German, French, Italian or English.

Costs / Payment Instructions

The processing fee is CHF 100. Please transfer to the bank account:

Bank Nidwaldner Kantonalbank, 6371 Stans (BIC/Swift: NIKACH22)
IBAN CH08 0077 9000 2544 3310 0
Beneficiary Swiss Banking Ombudsman, Bahnhofplatz 9, 8001 Zurich